Welcome to my garden...this weekend ajak papa D pegi nursery...bukan apa this is the way to release my stress..once start working..we have a burden of works...so..this is the best way for mama...to make me feel better..so let's peep my small garden..this is one of the place that make me spend my time every weekend....love to see the GREEN...
since the temperature of Malaysia being the lowest in twenty years...so we feel like we stay in highlands....so..my flowers are blooming everywhere....ha..ha..ha..actually I'm just bought from nursery.....
this is the kekwa..
this is the plant that I like..baby breath....
my cactus that had a new pot...
my edible...near my entrance to kitchen...
my keladi.....the white is a gift from opah to mama...
my arch...purple, yellow, white and red...
my tapiory
snap from my bench
outside the fence...
fence flower...
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